What Information is Required in Your Advertisements?

All license holders’ advertisements must include the license holder’s name or team name. Ads als...

Advertise on Social Media the Right Way

In a Texas REALTORS® LinkedIn poll, 64% of members said they advertised on social media. Since adve...

Legal FAQ: How Quickly Must You Remove a Listing?

The Real Estate License Act, TREC rules, and NAR’s Code of Ethics prohibit any misleading or false...

From the Legal Hotline: Must You Include the Designated Broker’s Name in Advertisements?

Agents who are sponsored by business entity brokerages have called to ask if they must include the d...

Must Open House Signs Follow Advertising Rules?

Directional signs are not considered to be an advertisement under TREC Rule §535.155(b)(1) and ther...

Fact or Fiction: What Must a List of Recently Sold Homes Include?

Agents who include a list of recently sold homes in advertising must make it clear whether they had ...

Fact or Fiction? Promotional Items and Sponsorships

Promotional items and sponsorships are considered advertising. FACT. TREC considers those items, ...

Farming Letters and the Code of Ethics

I am preparing a farming letter to solicit listings in a subdivision. What are the rules regarding a...

Fast Answers to 8 Legal Questions

The Legal Topics Explained video series offers simple explanations of common legal issues in less th...

TREC's New Advertising Rules Now in Effect

May 15 is the effective date for the new advertising rules from the Texas Real Estate Commission. If...

What TREC says about commercial titles and advertising for license holders

I'm a commercial agent and also the president of a brokerage. Can I use the title "president" in my ...

How to Use a Nickname in Your Advertising

Can I use a nickname or my middle name in my advertising?TREC calls these alternate names. Before us...

1 of these 2 words must be in your team name starting May 15

The Texas Real Estate Commission's revised advertising rules go into effect May 15, and that means n...

TREC, TAR reach consensus on proposed rule changes

The Texas Real Estate Commission in August proposed rule changes about which the Texas REALTORS® e...

TREC rules changed, but Article 12 still applies

The Texas Real Estate Commission changed its rules regarding terms you must use in your advertisemen...

How TAR responded to TREC's many proposed changes

The Texas Real Estate Commission at its August 7 meeting proposed many rule changes, and you can sub...

TREC proposes a new advertising rule, adopts revisions to existing rule

The Texas Real Estate Commission met on Monday and adopted amendments to existing rules and proposed...

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